Do you ever wish you had the perfect cocktail to match your mood?
Do you sometimes feel classy but sometimes feel trashy?
Are you in search of some fancy AF cocktails?
… well buckle up, because Ariana Madix and Time Sandoval have a treat for you.
The “Vanderpump Rules” stars and couple have been creating cocktails for years at reality TV hit places such as SUR, TomTom, Villa Blanca, and PUMP, and they’ve finally collected their favorite ones to include in their new recipe book: Fancy AF Cocktails. The 80+ cocktails in the book run the gamut from “classy” to “trashy” and feature ingredients like caramel liqueur and wasabi-infused white rum on the class end, and BBQ sauce packets and Taco Bell FIRE sauce on the trashy end.

I took the liberty of selecting two that would be the absolute hit of any holiday party: the Naughty Holiday and the Nice Holiday. (I’ll leave it up to you to decide which category you fall under.) These cocktails are competing cocktails that Ariana and Tom made to help people enjoy the holidays whether throwing an extravagant Christmas party or just “boozing solo”.
1.5oz chocolate liqueur
1.5oz Chili Chocolate Kahlúa
1.5oz vanilla vodka
Chili powder
Garnished with mini candy cane
2oz white chocolate liqueur
.5oz crème de menthe
1oz vanilla vodka
Garnished with peppermint chocolate
Whether you’re feeling naughty or nice is really no concern of mine … I’m just here to make sure you get the drinks you need to survive this holiday season. Luckily, Ariana and Tom were kind enough to include some “Recovery Drinks” in their book to help keep you ready for the next night out.
… I would suggest trying the Leggo My Ego.
FANCY AF COCKTAILS: Drink Recipes from a Couple of Professional Drinkers
Written by Ariana Madix & Tom Sandoval with Danny Pellegrino