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What an amazing day in Roma!  After an early departure, we headed to Rome for a day “on our own”.  Alice and Jeff ventured across Rome and say just about everything there was to see, while Mom and I met Barbi and Fred (in for the weekend from Florence) for a long Italian lunch, complete with limoncello and macchiati.

Florence and Pisa tomorrow for an 11-hour tour.  Wish us luck.

We won some $$$ at Blackjack! As it goes in our family … even if you just break even, that’s winning! ♥️

Off to Munich with brand new memory foam pillows and bellies full of mediocre (at best) airport Mexican appetizers and margaritas.

here we go again …

Tomorrow I’ll be heading off for another European adventure. This time, my sister, brother-in-law, mother, and I will be taking a trip through the Mediterranean and visiting some truly amazing places. Stay tuned for pictures, updates, and more about our adventures!



ALICE MYERS | Definitely my favorite person in the world (better?), my sister is averse to speaking foreign languages and prefers chicken fingers … but give her a shot of tequila and your night is made.

JEFF MYERS | He’s 6’8”. This should pretty much sum up how he’s going to handle international flights and short cruise ship beds. He’s a great sport, so it’s no question that he’ll overcome his vertical challenges with a smile on his face.


KATHY O | She’s a great time and the best mom a girl could ask for. Adventurous as all get out, she’s the one offering up (and bankrolling) the fun on this trip.

ME | I am a lover of all-things-Europe and may not ever come back. (Just kidding … I’ll totally come back.)


Day 1: Dallas —> Athens, Greece
Day 2: Athens, Greece
Day 3: Santorini, Greece
Day 4: Ephesus, Turkey
Day 5: … at sea …
Day 6: Sicily, Italy
Day 7: Capri, Italy
Day 8: Rome, Italy
Day 9: Florence/Pisa, Italy
Day 10: Portofino, Italy
Day 11: Provence/Marseille, France
Day 12: Barcelona, Spain
Day 13: Barcelona —> Dallas