Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pilates for people who love wine.

Movember at Del Frisco’s Grille

November marks the intersection of most of my favorite things: pumpkin season, an acceptable time to start listening to Christmas music*, cold weather, and facial hair.  As I’m sure you’re aware, November is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month when men (and some unlucky women) grow facial hair as a show of support.  (Move over pink ribbons, the staches are here!)

Del Frisco’s Grille is doing PCAM one better with its Movember menu.  Stop in and order off of 9the special November-only menu this month and proceeds will benefit Movember.  Menu offerings include some DFG favorites, and a couple specialty drinks like the Lip Tickler (a deliciously-whiskey based cocktail that will put some hair on your … lip, pictured below) and the Stiff Upper Lip.

Stop in Mondays in November and show off your ‘stache and you’ll get a FREE APPETIZER!

Eating and drinking for a cause always works for me!

*If you think November is too early, keep it to yourself.  Christmas music makes me happy, and you bitching that it’s too early to listen to it will just peeve me.  🙂

My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.

Winston Churchill

Cook for a Cause at Mockingbird Station featuring Smallcakes

We are back in the US!

Portofino is amazingly picturesque. We climbed the big hill to the Castello Brown and the lighthouse (phew) for some amazing pictures. Then, we took a ferry to Santa Margherita for some light walking, crepes, and the best focaccia bread we’ve ever tasted.
Tonight, we’re doing happy hour, an art reception, dinner in the Grand Dining Room, a chance to win some diamonds (all mine!), and a chance to win some of our money back in the casino. Send us your luck!

Another early morning took us to the Field of Miracles. Who knew how many other beautiful buildings were around the Leaning Tower of Pisa!?

Another hour and a half on a bus later, we arrived in Florence and surprisingly had time to explore on our own. I led our team on a tour and hit the highlights, a delicious lunch, way too much gelato, and some serious shopping.

One of the best parts of our days is breakfast on the terrace watching our boat arrive at our destinations and dinner watching the dock fade into the blue. (I miss breakfast most mornings … but when I’ve made it, it has been worth losing a bit of sleep.)

Meals on the ship don’t suck. This was last night’s meal at Polo Grill: Vino, escargot, lobster bisque with brandy, the biggest cut of prime rib I’ve seen in long time, and a quartet of desserts.