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Here’s to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold beer and another one!



Dee Lincoln’s is all over social media right now, so naturally I HAD to try it.  The sister location to the new Uptown location is in Cowboys Stadium and was the first place IN THE US to have an enomatic machine for sparkling wine, a machine that keeps bottled intoxicants fresher, longer (up to three weeks), while doling out an appropriate serving.

Past the futuristic dispensers that line the walls, the look of the restaurant and tasting room (which they dub a “bubble bar”) is pink, silver, and white all over – maybe the most perfect bachelorette party locale I’ve ever seen due to the aforementioned color scheme and “private” seating areas complete with disco columns and shiny pillows.

Outside, you can enjoy the patio (erm, at least you will be able to when it cools down) complete with lighted “bubble” tables.  The area affords a nice bit of interesting foot traffic to keep things interesting.

The long and short of this place is that it’s fancy, and your tab will reflect that.  As my sister said, “This place isn’t for college students … or most of the $30,000 millionaires in Dallas!”  We each had a cocktail and shared a flatbread for a whopping $40!  You know it’s expensive when it would have been cheaper to go to Ocean Prime down the way!

While I disagree with the massive price tags, the food and drink were pretty great.  I ordered the DETOX TINI which I’d definitely get again, but only one because it was quite sweet.  My sister enjoyed the champagne float which was not only refreshing, but really nice to look at.  The next time I venture in, I will make sure it’s on a night out instead of a quick stop after dinner so I can enjoy my large drink and the buzz that comes along with it.

Drink Strength: 4
Overall:  2.5

Dee Lincoln | @deelincolns
2101 Cedar Springs Road  | 214-979-WINE


As looters and rioters smashed up shops, looted and fought with police in Camden Town, Philippa Morgan-Walker, 25 and her husband, Jonny Walker, 31, made tea for the police who were protecting their street. Some of the officers had been on duty for more than 30 hours.

It’s just so amazing.  I love so much about this … including that the man’s name is Johnny Walker.

May the winds of fortune sail you,
May you sail a gentle sea.
May it always be the other guy
who says, ‘this drink’s on me.’

Fuse Blew a Fuse

This was meant to be my last article in QUICK but it didn’t make the final issue.  RIP QUICK! We’ll miss you … and the former Fuse.


Up until about a year ago, Fuse was one of my favorite places in Dallas.  Their rooftop bar couldn’t be beat; it had it all, a bar, misters, a pool (you weren’t allowed to swim in it, I learned that the hard way), and even pagodas with mattresses to make the best place to have a small party or meet-up in Dallas. Please note the use of past tense.
In December the boom was lowered; Fuse was closing to renovate and reopen with a new concept.  Rumors spread like wildfire about what the “new concept” would be.  Some said it would be a hamburger joint concept by O Bar, others said it was just closing completely, along with about another dozen or so ideas.  We finally found out what the “new concept was”, which wasn’t a new concept at all, but new owners, a new menu, and a completely new feel.
The Scene:  They don’t have a website, but they do have a Facebook page with spotty updates, awkward pictures, and severely limited information about the restaurant/bar itself.  The look of the restaurant hasn’t changed a bit – bamboo, dark cement, and Asian-feeling curtains to give it some mystery … they almost had me duped.
I ventured to Fuse Japan with a veritable motley crew of drinking buddies, and once we arrived and ascended the bamboo-lined staircase to the second floor bar (on our own accord as there was a noticeably-empty host stand), we expected to see $30,000 millionaires and their floozies waving their Discover cards at the bartender barking to be served;  but what we saw was not only a shock, but a disappointment.  A couple hangers-on were at the bar and a few patrons were milling around by the pool.  We chose a table outside next to a lovely chair swing with a great view that was far away from the questionably-smelling misting fans.
The drink:  After waiting a good while for a waitress, I sought one out and ordered a round.  When she brought them, we were informed that they closed ½ hour before and the round in her hot, little hands would be our one and only.  Feeling bad for dragging my friends out for one drink, I decided to pick up the tab.  Expecting a $45 tab (as I am of the former Fuse school of thought), I was amazed when the tab was a mere $16.25.  Apparently, Fuse Japan offers a great reverse happy hour from 10 p.m. to close along with their standard happy hour from 5-7 p.m. – finally, a redeeming quality.
After the drinks were slurped, I took a poll of the drink strength using my usual scale (1 is all mixer and 5 is all liquor à la The Loon).  The result: an average of 1.68 between the five of us.  Not great seeing as they all came out a little wrong – a lemon here, a mixer there.
What people are wearing: the dress was much more casual than the former Fuse, mostly cotton dresses and some simple cover-ups with the faint smell of chlorine.
The food:  Hoping I could get an order of the brisket potstickers that I have dreamt of since my first Fuse experience in , I was told that the entire menu was new.  The food pales in comparison to the former Fuse’s beautifully constructed and imagined sushi and oriental-cum-Texas dishes.

I will take advantage of their “Taco Tuesday” where you can get tacos for a mere dollar, but you all are painfully aware of my cheap streak.

The music:  The music was mostly the catchy-pop a la Lady Gaga and new Britney; music cliche enough not to offend but upbeat enough to keep customers awake.

Parking:  You can either use their valet or park in one of the pay gratuitous amounts to pay in the garages in the area.

The bottom line:   If you were a fan of the former Fuse, stay away as your memories of the swanky fusion food and drink heaven will be forever spoiled.  
Newbies: have at it, but only during reverse happy hour.

Fuse Japan
Facebook Page
1512 Commerce Street, Suite 100 |

Happy hour: 5-7 p.m., 10 p.m. – close
Taco Tuesday: $1 tacos (minimum 3)
Daily food specials


Mon-Thurs: 11:30am-2:30pm, 5-11pm
Friday: 11:30am-2:30pm, 5pm-12am
Saturday: 5pm-12am